Our world

We work towards leading a responsible business in a challenging industry. We are strongly committed to the fact that responsibility is more about what we do than what we say, and therefore, we also commit to having clear and detailed policies and documentation for our efforts. There are multiple arenas in which we can engage, from our design philosophy, chosen materials, and certifications to our supplier cooperation, and environmental policies. On the following pages you can read more about what responsible business conduct means to us and how we engage. 
our mission is, first and foremost, to create beautiful and comfortable quality clothes. However, our focus on quality does not start nor end with our products, but also pertains to how we work with social and environmental responsibility - in our operations in Ikast, Denmark, as well as in our supply chain.

Our COP report

Understanding our COP report

In the COP report, we share our achievements, challenges, and ongoing initiatives, from our sustainable material choices to our ethical labor practices. It serves as a testament to our dedication to continuous improvement and our mission to create positive change in the world of children's clothing.
By reading our COP report, you gain insight into our values, efforts, and the impact we aim to make. Together, we can work towards a brighter, more sustainable future for our children and the planet they will inherit.